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  • Mark Ryan's avatar
    [Introspection] Fixed bug 97 · f9d60bd7
    Mark Ryan authored
    The fix is nasty but I can't see any other way to fix the issue
    without having to change dleyna-core and GUPnP.  This will have
    to be done anyway at some point but in the meantime this is a
    serious bug that needs to be patched ASAP.
    The fix works as follows:
    1. We use a weak refererence to detect if we have lost our renderer
    during a call to gupnp_service_info_get_introspection.  If we have
    we return control direcly to the main loop failing any task and
    making sure we do not access the device object.
    2. We make sure that gupnp_service_info_get_introspection is not called
    inside an event callback from GUPnP.  Otherwise changes to the list of
    devices in our callback can result in a crash when we return control back
    to GUPnP.
    Long term we need to retrieve introspection information asynchronously
    during device construction and not during calls to GetProp or in
    event handlers.  We might has well initialise the properties during
    device construction as well.  This will simplify the code.  Before
    this can be done however, we need a way to cancel
    gupnp_service_info_get_introspection_async and a way to call this
    function inside a task queue.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMark Ryan <>