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    Objective-C API for JavaScriptCore · fc381887 authored
    Reviewed by Filip Pizlo.
    For a detailed description of the API implemented here, see:
    Still to do -
        (1) Shoud rename APIJSValue.h -> JSValue.h (but we'll have to rename JSValue.h first).
        (2) Numerous FIXMEs, all with separate bugs filed.
    * API/APIJSValue.h: Added.
        - this Objective-C class is used to reference a JavaScript object.
    * API/JSBase.h:
        - added JS_OBJC_API_ENABLED macro to control ObjC API support.
    * API/JSBlockAdaptor.h: Added.
        - this Objective-C class is used in creating a special NSBlock proxying a JavaScript function.
    * API/ Added.
        - decoded arguent type information of a JSBlockAdaptor.
        - delegate for use in conjunction with parseObjCType.
        - decoded result type information of a JSBlockAdaptor.
        - partial step in constructing a signature with stack offset information from one without.
    (-[JSBlockAdaptor initWithBlockSignatureFromProtocol:]):
        - constructor.
    (-[JSBlockAdaptor blockMatchesSignature:]):
        - check whether signature strings match, where only one contains stack frame offsets.
    (-[JSBlockAdaptor blockFromValue:inContext:withException:]):
        - use the adaptor to create a special forwarding block.
    * API/JSCallbackObjectFunctions.h:
        - add missing braces to multiline for statement.
    * API/JSContext.h: Added.
        - this Objective-C class is used to reference a JavaScript context.
    * API/ Added.
    (-[JSContext init]):
        - constructor.
    (-[JSContext initWithVirtualMachine:]):
        - construct in a given VM (JSGlobalData).
    (-[JSContext evaluateScript:]):
    (-[JSContext globalObject]):
        - evaluate a script, global object accessor.
    (+[JSContext currentContext]):
    (+[JSContext currentThis]):
    (+[JSContext currentArguments]):
        - These methods obtain context, this, arguments from within a callback.
    (-[JSContext virtualMachine]):
        - implementation for .virtualMachine property.
    (-[JSContext objectForKeyedSubscript:]):
    (-[JSContext setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]):
        - support for subscript property access.
        - internal accessor to m_context.
    (-[JSContext dealloc]):
        - desctructor.
    (-[JSContext notifyException:]):
    (-[JSContext valueFromNotifyException:]):
    (-[JSContext boolFromNotifyException:]):
        - internal method to record an exception was thrown.
    (-[JSContext beginCallbackWithData:thisValue:argumentCount:arguments:]):
    (-[JSContext endCallbackWithData:]):
        - internal methods to push/pop a callback record.
    (-[JSContext protect:]):
    (-[JSContext unprotect:]):
        - internal methods to add a value to a protect set (used to protect the internal property of JSValue).
    (-[JSContext wrapperForObject:]):
        - internal method to create a wrapper object.
        - Helper class to implement a weak reference to a JSContext.
    * API/JSContextInternal.h: Added.
        - see API/ for description of internal methods.
    * API/JSExport.h: Added.
        - Provides JSExport protocol & JSExportAs macro.
    * API/ Added.
    (+[JSValue valueWithObject:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithBool:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithDouble:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithInt32:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithUInt32:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithNewObjectInContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithNewArrayInContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithNewRegularExpressionFromPattern:flags:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithNewErrorFromMessage:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithNullInContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithUndefinedInContext:]):
        - Constructors.
    (-[JSValue toObject]):
    (-[JSValue toObjectOfClass:]):
    (-[JSValue toBool]):
    (-[JSValue toDouble]):
    (-[JSValue toInt32]):
    (-[JSValue toUInt32]):
    (-[JSValue toNumber]):
    (-[JSValue toString]):
    (-[JSValue toDate]):
    (-[JSValue toArray]):
    (-[JSValue toDictionary]):
        - Conversion to Objective-C types.
    (-[JSValue valueForProperty:]):
    (-[JSValue setValue:forProperty:]):
    (-[JSValue deleteProperty:]):
    (-[JSValue hasProperty:]):
    (-[JSValue defineProperty:descriptor:]):
        - Property access by property name.
    (-[JSValue valueAtIndex:]):
    (-[JSValue setValue:atIndex:]):
        - Property access by index.
    (-[JSValue isUndefined]):
    (-[JSValue isNull]):
    (-[JSValue isBoolean]):
    (-[JSValue isNumber]):
    (-[JSValue isString]):
    (-[JSValue isObject]):
        - Test JavaScript type.
    (-[JSValue isEqualToObject:]):
    (-[JSValue isEqualWithTypeCoercionToObject:]):
    (-[JSValue isInstanceOf:]):
        - ===, ==, instanceof operators.
    (-[JSValue callWithArguments:]):
    (-[JSValue constructWithArguments:]):
    (-[JSValue invokeMethod:withArguments:]):
        - Call & construct.
    (-[JSValue context]):
        - implementation for .context property.
    (-[JSValue toPoint]):
    (-[JSValue toRange]):
    (-[JSValue toRect]):
    (-[JSValue toSize]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithPoint:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithRange:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithRect:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithSize:inContext:]):
        - Support for NS struct types.
    (-[JSValue objectForKeyedSubscript:]):
    (-[JSValue objectAtIndexedSubscript:]):
    (-[JSValue setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]):
    (-[JSValue setObject:atIndexedSubscript:]):
        - support for subscript property access.
        - internal helper functions to check for instances of JS Date, Array types.
        - helper class for tracking state while converting to Array/Dictionary objects.
        - function for converting JavaScript values to Objective-C objects.
        - helper class for tracking state while converting to Array/Dictionary values.
        - function for converting Objective-C objects to JavaScript values.
    (+[JSValue valueWithValue:inContext:]):
    (-[JSValue initWithValue:inContext:]):
        - internal constructors.
    (+[JSValue selectorForStructToValue:]):
    (+[JSValue selectorForValueToStruct:]):
        - methods to tracking struct types that support conversion to/from JSValue.
    (-[JSValue dealloc]):
        - destructor.
    (-[JSValue description]):
        - Objective-C to-NSString conversion.
        - create invocation objects for conversion to/from JSValue.
    * API/JSValueInternal.h: Added.
        - see API/ for description of internal methods.
    * API/JSVirtualMachine.h: Added.
        - this Objective-C class is used to reference a JavaScript virtual machine (JSGlobalData).
    * API/ Added.
    (-[JSVirtualMachine init]):
    (-[JSVirtualMachine dealloc]):
        - constructor & destructor.
        - internal accessor for m_group property.
    * API/JSVirtualMachineInternal.h: Added.
        - see API/ for description of internal methods.
    * API/JSWrapperMap.h: Added.
    * API/ Added.
        - singleton root for detction (& unwrapping) of wrapper objects.
        - default selector to property name conversion.
        - creates a JSObject with a custom NativeBrand (class name).
        - parse @optional properties of a JSExport protocol.
        - property put with enumerable=false.
        - iterate methods in a protocol; add functions to a JSObject.
        - examine protocol property metadata.
        - "foo" -> "setFoo"
        - create properties on a Protocol object reflecting the instance methods & properties of a protocol.
    (-[JSObjCClassInfo initWithContext:forClass:superClassInfo:]):
    (-[JSObjCClassInfo dealloc]):
    (-[JSObjCClassInfo wrapperForObject:]):
    (-[JSObjCClassInfo constructor]):
        - cache the Protocol/Constructor objects for an Objective-C type.
    (-[JSWrapperMap initWithContext:]):
    (-[JSWrapperMap dealloc]):
        - constructor & desctructor.
    (-[JSWrapperMap classInfoForClass:]):
        - maps Class -> JSObjCClassInfo.
    (-[JSWrapperMap wrapperForObject:]):
        - cretae or retrieve a cached wrapper value for an object.
        - check whether a value is a wrapper object; unwrap if so.
    * API/JavaScriptCore.h:
        - Added includes for new API headers.
    * API/ObjCCallbackFunction.h: Added.
        - this class is used to wrap Objective-C instance methods, class methods & blocks as JSFunction objects.
    * API/ Added.
        - decoded arguent type information of a ObjCCallbackFunction.
        - delegate for use in conjunction with parseObjCType.
        - decoded result type information of a ObjCCallbackFunction.
        - delegate for use in conjunction with parseObjCType.
        - constructor & destructor.
        - accessor.
        - attemmpt to unwrap a block object.
        - JSClassRef used to represent ObjCCallbackFunction objects.
        - helper function to determine if we're running on a recent Clang.
        - helper used in parsing signature strings.
        - functions to try to create ObjCCallbackFunction instances for methods/blocks.
        - attemmpt to unwrap a block object.
    * API/ObjcRuntimeExtras.h: Added.
        - functions used in reflecting on Objective-C types.
        - parsing helper used by parseObjCType, scans for matching parentheses.
    (StringRange::operator const char*):
        - Helper class - create a c string copy of a range of an existing string.
        - function to parse Objective-C type strings, makes callbacks to a deleagte.
    * API/tests/testapi.c:
        - added call to testObjectiveCAPI (in testapi.m).
    * API/tests/testapi.m: Added.
    (+[ParentObject parentTest]):
    (+[TestObject testObject]):
    (+[TestObject classTest]):
    (-[TestObject getString]):
    (-[TestObject testArgumentTypesWithInt:double:boolean:string:number:array:dictionary:]):
    (-[TestObject callback:]):
    (-[TextXYZ test:]):
        - test object, used in various test vases.
        - helper function.
        - helper function to determine if we're running on a recent Clang.
        - new test cases.
    * JavaScriptCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        - added new files.
    * runtime/JSGlobalData.cpp:
    * runtime/JSGlobalData.h:
        - added m_apiData - provide convenient storage for use by the API.
    * runtime/JSGlobalObject.cpp:
    * runtime/JSGlobalObject.h:
        - added m_apiData - provide convenient storage for use by the API.
    * wtf/WTFThreadData.cpp:
    * wtf/WTFThreadData.h:
        - Added m_apiData - provide convenient storage for use by the API.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc