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    JSLock should be per-JSGlobalData · e16f8096 authored
    Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
    * API/APIShims.h:
    (JSC::APIEntryShimWithoutLock::APIEntryShimWithoutLock): Added an extra parameter to the constructor to 
    determine whether we should ref the JSGlobalData or not. We want to ref all the time except for in the 
    HeapTimer class because timerDidFire could run after somebody has started to tear down that particular 
    JSGlobalData, so we wouldn't want to resurrect the ref count of that JSGlobalData from 0 back to 1 after 
    its destruction has begun. 
    (JSC::APIEntryShim::init): Factored out common initialization code for the various APIEntryShim constructors.
    Also moved the timeoutChecker stop and start here because we need to start after we've grabbed the API lock
    and before we've released it, which can only done in APIEntryShim.
    (JSC::APICallbackShim::~APICallbackShim): We no longer need to synchronize here.
    * API/JSContextRef.cpp:
    * JavaScriptCore.vcproj/JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.def:
    * heap/CopiedSpace.cpp:
    * heap/Heap.cpp:
    * heap/Heap.h: Changed m_activityCallback and m_sweeper to be raw pointers rather than OwnPtrs because they 
    are now responsible for their own lifetime. Also changed the order of declaration of the GCActivityCallback
    and the IncrementalSweeper to make sure they're the last things that get initialized during construction to 
    prevent any issues with uninitialized memory in the JSGlobalData/Heap they might care about.
    * heap/HeapTimer.cpp: Refactored to allow for thread-safe operation and shutdown.
    (JSC::HeapTimer::didStartVMShutdown): Called at the beginning of ~JSGlobalData. If we're on the same thread 
    that the HeapTimer is running on, we kill the HeapTimer ourselves. If not, then we set some state in the 
    HeapTimer and schedule it to fire immediately so that it can notice and kill itself.
    (JSC::HeapTimer::timerDidFire): We grab our mutex and check our JSGlobalData pointer. If it has been zero-ed
    out, then we know the VM has started to shutdown and we should kill ourselves. Otherwise, grab the APIEntryShim,
    but without ref-ing the JSGlobalData (we don't want to bring the JSGlobalData's ref-count from 0 to 1) in case 
    we were interrupted between releasing our mutex and trying to grab the APILock.
    * heap/HeapTimer.h:
    * heap/IncrementalSweeper.cpp:
    (JSC::IncrementalSweeper::doWork): We no longer need the API shim here since HeapTimer::timerDidFire handles 
    all of that for us. 
    * heap/IncrementalSweeper.h:
    * heap/MarkedAllocator.cpp:
    * heap/WeakBlock.cpp:
    * jsc.cpp:
    * runtime/Completion.cpp:
    * runtime/GCActivityCallback.h:
    * runtime/JSGlobalData.cpp:
    (JSC::JSGlobalData::~JSGlobalData): Signals to the two HeapTimers (GCActivityCallback and IncrementalSweeper)
    that the VM has started shutting down. It then waits until the HeapTimer is done with whatever activity 
    it needs to do before continuing with any further destruction. Also asserts that we do not currently hold the 
    APILock because this could potentially cause deadlock when we try to signal to the HeapTimers using their mutexes.
    (JSC::JSGlobalData::sharedInstance): Protect the initialization for the shared instance with the GlobalJSLock.
    * runtime/JSGlobalData.h: Change to be ThreadSafeRefCounted so that we don't have to worry about refing and 
    de-refing JSGlobalDatas on separate threads since we don't do it that often anyways.
    * runtime/JSGlobalObject.cpp:
    * runtime/JSLock.cpp:
    (JSC::GlobalJSLock::GlobalJSLock): For accessing the shared instance.
    (JSC::JSLockHolder::JSLockHolder): MutexLocker for JSLock. Also refs the JSGlobalData to keep it alive so that 
    it can successfully unlock it later without it disappearing from underneath it.
    (JSC::JSLock::lock): Uses the spin lock for guarding the lock count and owner thread fields. Uses the mutex for 
    actually waiting for long periods. 
    * runtime/JSLock.h:
    * runtime/WeakGCMap.h:
    * testRegExp.cpp:
    No new tests. Current regression tests are sufficient.
    Changed all sites that used JSLock to instead use the new JSLockHolder
    and pass in the correct JS context that the code is about to interact with that 
    needs protection. Also added a couple JSLocks to places that didn't already 
    have it that needed it.
    * bindings/js/GCController.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSCustomSQLStatementErrorCallback.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSCustomVoidCallback.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSCustomXPathNSResolver.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSErrorHandler.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSEventCustom.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSEventListener.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSInjectedScriptHostCustom.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSInjectedScriptManager.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSLazyEventListener.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSMainThreadExecState.h:
    * bindings/js/JSMutationCallbackCustom.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSNodeFilterCondition.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JSRequestAnimationFrameCallbackCustom.cpp:
    * bindings/js/JavaScriptCallFrame.cpp:
    * bindings/js/PageScriptDebugServer.cpp:
    * bindings/js/ScheduledAction.cpp:
    * bindings/js/ScriptCachedFrameData.cpp:
    * bindings/js/ScriptController.cpp:
    * bindings/js/
    * bindings/js/ScriptDebugServer.cpp:
    * bindings/js/ScriptEventListener.cpp:
    * bindings/js/ScriptFunctionCall.cpp:
    * bindings/js/ScriptObject.cpp:
    * bindings/js/ScriptValue.cpp:
    * bindings/js/WorkerScriptController.cpp:
    * bindings/objc/
    (-[WebScriptObject callWebScriptMethod:withArguments:]):
    (-[WebScriptObject evaluateWebScript:]):
    (-[WebScriptObject setValue:forKey:]):
    (-[WebScriptObject valueForKey:]):
    (-[WebScriptObject removeWebScriptKey:]):
    (-[WebScriptObject hasWebScriptKey:]):
    (-[WebScriptObject stringRepresentation]):
    (-[WebScriptObject webScriptValueAtIndex:]):
    (-[WebScriptObject setWebScriptValueAtIndex:value:]):
    (+[WebScriptObject _convertValueToObjcValue:originRootObject:rootObject:]):
    * bindings/scripts/
    * bindings/scripts/test/JS/JSTestCallback.cpp:
    * bridge/NP_jsobject.cpp:
    * bridge/c/c_class.cpp:
    * bridge/c/c_instance.cpp:
    * bridge/c/c_runtime.cpp:
    * bridge/c/c_utility.cpp:
    * bridge/jni/
    * bridge/jni/
    * bridge/jni/jsc/JNIUtilityPrivate.cpp:
    * bridge/jni/jsc/JavaClassJSC.cpp:
    * bridge/jni/jsc/JavaInstanceJSC.cpp:
    * bridge/jni/jsc/JavaMethodJSC.cpp:
    * bridge/jni/jsc/JavaStringJSC.h:
    * bridge/jsc/BridgeJSC.cpp:
    * bridge/objc/
    * bridge/objc/
    * bridge/objc/
    * bridge/qt/qt_instance.cpp:
    * bridge/qt/qt_pixmapruntime.cpp:
    * bridge/qt/qt_runtime.cpp:
    * bridge/qt/qt_runtime_qt4.cpp:
    * bridge/runtime_root.cpp:
    * html/HTMLCanvasElement.cpp:
    * html/HTMLImageLoader.cpp:
    * plugins/PluginView.cpp:
    * plugins/blackberry/PluginViewBlackBerry.cpp:
    * plugins/efl/PluginViewEfl.cpp:
    * plugins/gtk/PluginViewGtk.cpp:
    * plugins/mac/
    * plugins/qt/PluginViewQt.cpp:
    * plugins/win/PluginViewWin.cpp:
    * testing/js/WebCoreTestSupport.cpp:
    * xml/XMLHttpRequest.cpp:
    Changed all sites that used JSLock to instead use the new JSLockHolder
    and pass in the correct JS context that the code is about to interact with that 
    needs protection. Also added a couple JSLocks to places that didn't already 
    have it that needed it.
    * Api/BlackBerryGlobal.cpp:
    * WebCoreSupport/ClientExtension.cpp:
    * WebCoreSupport/PagePopupBlackBerry.cpp:
    * WebKitSupport/DumpRenderTreeSupport.cpp:
    Changed all sites that used JSLock to instead use the new JSLockHolder
    and pass in the correct JS context that the code is about to interact with that 
    needs protection. Also added a couple JSLocks to places that didn't already 
    have it that needed it.
    * ewk/ewk_frame.cpp:
    * ewk/ewk_view.cpp:
    Changed all sites that used JSLock to instead use the new JSLockHolder
    and pass in the correct JS context that the code is about to interact with that 
    needs protection. Also added a couple JSLocks to places that didn't already 
    have it that needed it.
    * WebCoreSupport/DumpRenderTreeSupportGtk.cpp:
    Changed all sites that used JSLock to instead use the new JSLockHolder
    and pass in the correct JS context that the code is about to interact with that 
    needs protection. Also added a couple JSLocks to places that didn't already 
    have it that needed it.
    * DOM/
    * Misc/
    (+[WebCoreStatistics javaScriptObjectsCount]):
    (+[WebCoreStatistics javaScriptGlobalObjectsCount]):
    (+[WebCoreStatistics javaScriptProtectedObjectsCount]):
    (+[WebCoreStatistics javaScriptProtectedGlobalObjectsCount]):
    (+[WebCoreStatistics javaScriptProtectedObjectTypeCounts]):
    (+[WebCoreStatistics javaScriptObjectTypeCounts]):
    (+[WebCoreStatistics shouldPrintExceptions]):
    (+[WebCoreStatistics setShouldPrintExceptions:]):
    (+[WebCoreStatistics memoryStatistics]):
    (+[WebCoreStatistics javaScriptReferencedObjectsCount]):
    * Plugins/Hosted/
    * Plugins/
    * Plugins/
    (-[WebNetscapePluginView sendEvent:isDrawRect:]):
    (-[WebNetscapePluginView privateBrowsingModeDidChange]):
    (-[WebNetscapePluginView setWindowIfNecessary]):
    (-[WebNetscapePluginView createPluginScriptableObject]):
    (-[WebNetscapePluginView getFormValue:]):
    (-[WebNetscapePluginView evaluateJavaScriptPluginRequest:]):
    (-[WebNetscapePluginView webFrame:didFinishLoadWithReason:]):
    (-[WebNetscapePluginView loadPluginRequest:]):
    (-[WebNetscapePluginView _printedPluginBitmap]):
    * Plugins/
    (+[WebPluginController plugInViewWithArguments:fromPluginPackage:]):
    (-[WebPluginController stopOnePlugin:]):
    (-[WebPluginController destroyOnePlugin:]):
    (-[WebPluginController startAllPlugins]):
    (-[WebPluginController addPlugin:]):
    * WebView/
    (-[WebFrame _stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:forceUserGesture:]):
    (-[WebFrame _stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:withGlobalObject:inScriptWorld:]):
    * WebView/
    (-[WebScriptCallFrame scopeChain]):
    (-[WebScriptCallFrame evaluateWebScript:]):
    * WebView/
    (+[WebView _reportException:inContext:]):
    (-[WebView aeDescByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:]):
    (-[WebView _computedStyleIncludingVisitedInfo:forElement:]):
    Changed all sites that used JSLock to instead use the new JSLockHolder
    and pass in the correct JS context that the code is about to interact with that 
    needs protection. Also added a couple JSLocks to places that didn't already 
    have it that needed it.
    * Api/qwebframe.cpp:
    * WebCoreSupport/DumpRenderTreeSupportQt.cpp:
    Changed all sites that used JSLock to instead use the new JSLockHolder
    and pass in the correct JS context that the code is about to interact with that 
    needs protection. Also added a couple JSLocks to places that didn't already 
    have it that needed it.
    * WebCoreStatistics.cpp:
    * WebFrame.cpp:
    * WebJavaScriptCollector.cpp:
    * WebView.cpp:
    Changed all sites that used JSLock to instead use the new JSLockHolder
    and pass in the correct JS context that the code is about to interact with that 
    needs protection. Also added a couple JSLocks to places that didn't already 
    have it that needed it.
    * Shared/mac/
    * WebProcess/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.cpp:
    * WebProcess/Plugins/Netscape/JSNPObject.cpp:
    * WebProcess/Plugins/Netscape/NPJSObject.cpp:
    * WebProcess/Plugins/Netscape/NPRuntimeObjectMap.cpp:
    * WebProcess/WebPage/WebFrame.cpp:
    * WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:
    * WebProcess/WebProcess.cpp:
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc