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    WebCore: · d4bc96cc authored
    2009-06-03  David Hyatt  <>
            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
            Improvements in how selection behaves with focus/activation and a reversion back to using isActive
            in the scrollbar theme code to remove a Chromium ifdef.
            * editing/SelectionController.cpp:
            Make the controller set its focused state correctly upon initial creation.
            Make selection willing to shift the focus node if the selection is focused even if the
            selection is not active.  Whether or not the Page is active is irrelevant to focus changes.
            * editing/SelectionController.h:
            Add a new isFocused() method so that code can check if the Selection is focused without caring
            about the active state.
            * page/Frame.cpp:
            Allow focus shifts even when the selection is not active.
            * platform/mac/
            Revert Dan's change to directly talk to AppKit for checking active state.  Now that the WebCore isActive
            method works, ditch the Chromium-specific #ifdef and go back to the original code.
    2009-06-03  David Hyatt  <>
            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
            Reworking of focus and active state updating for WebHTMLViews so that it actually works instead of reporting wrong answers.
            * WebCoreSupport/
            WebHTMLViews become first responders before they are able to reach their Frames/Pages.  This happens because the NSClipView
            becomes first responder when the WebHTMLView gets destroyed, and then we transfer the responder state back to the new WebHTMLView
            when it is first connected.  Once we have transitioned to a new page and have the Frame/Page available, go ahead and explicitly
            focus the frame in WebCore and update our focused state.  This change allows us to remove the updateFocusedActive timer and the
            code from viewDidMoveToWindow.
            * WebView/
            (-[WebHTMLView close]):
            (-[WebHTMLView addWindowObservers]):
            (-[WebHTMLView viewWillMoveToWindow:]):
            (-[WebHTMLView viewDidMoveToWindow]):
            (-[WebHTMLView _removeWindowObservers]):
            Remove all the updateFocusedActiveState timer code, since it no longer exists.
            (-[WebHTMLView windowDidBecomeKey:]):
            (-[WebHTMLView windowDidResignKey:]):
            Active state updating is no longer done by WebHTMLViews.   It is handled by the WebView instead.
            (-[WebHTMLView becomeFirstResponder]):
            (-[WebHTMLView resignFirstResponder]):
            Reworking of WebHTMLView's code for gaining/losing responder status.  No longer update active state here, since the active state
            can never change just because of responder changes.  Make sure that the focused frame gets updated properly (and most importantly
            actually cleared when a WebHTMLView resigns responder status).
            * WebView/WebHTMLViewInternal.h:
            * WebView/WebHTMLViewPrivate.h:
            State updating for focused and active states has been made independent.
            * WebView/
            (-[WebView _updateActiveState]):
            WebView now handles updating of active state in _updateActiveState.  It is now purely based off whether the window is key and nothing
            (-[WebView addWindowObserversForWindow:]):
            (-[WebView removeWindowObservers]):
            Start listening for the window becoming/losing key even in the usesDocumentViews case.
            (-[WebView _updateFocusedStateForFrame:]):
            Focused state updating is split into its own method now and called when WebHTMLViews gain and lose responder status.
            (-[WebView _windowDidBecomeKey:]):
            (-[WebView _windowDidResignKey:]):
            Make sure to call _updateActiveState as the window gains/loses key.
            (-[WebView _windowWillOrderOnScreen:]):
            Run this code now that WebHTMLView no longer does it.
            * WebView/WebViewInternal.h:
            * WebView/WebViewPrivate.h:
            Updating for the split of focused and active state updating into separate methods.
    2009-06-03  David Hyatt  <>
            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
            * DumpRenderTree/mac/
            (-[FrameLoadDelegate webView:didCommitLoadForFrame:]):
            * DumpRenderTree/mac/
            Remove explicit calls to _updateFocusedActiveState when the view is made first responder.
            Focused state already properly updates when views become first responders, so these calls
            are unnecessary.
            Explicitly call _updateActiveState when our window becomes key, since we're just faking it
            and the notification won't be sent.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc