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  • ddkilzer's avatar
    WebKitTools: · c97ef652
    ddkilzer authored
            Reviewed by Darin.  Patch by James G. Speth.
              add a way to build Objective-C test cases in HTML
            Tests running in DumpRenderTree can choose to relax some restrictions of the JavaScript/Objective-C bridge
            allowing more extensive testing of the Obj-C API.  (and by more extensive, I mean this lets scripts do 
            pretty much whatever they want, including acting as delegates, generating events, instantiating obj-c
            objects, etc... )
            * DumpRenderTree/ObjCPlugin.h:
            * DumpRenderTree/ObjCPlugin.m: this ability is only exposed to scripts running in DumpRenderTree
            (+[ObjCPlugin isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript:]):
            (+[ObjCPlugin webScriptNameForSelector:]):
            (-[ObjCPlugin removeBridgeRestrictions:]): scripts call this to open up obj-c for extensive testing
            (+[NSObject setAllowsScriptsFullAccess:]): makes NSObject allow all selectors to be invoked from script
            (+[NSObject allowsScriptsFullAccess]):
            (+[NSObject isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript:]): when full access is enabled, no selector is excluded
            (+[NSObject webScriptNameForSelector:]): always return nil for the default selector mutation
            (-[JSObjC classNameOfObject:isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript:]):
            (+[JSObjC webScriptNameForSelector:]):
            (-[JSObjC invokeDefaultMethodWithArguments:]): shortcut for accessing classes
            (-[JSObjC lookUpClass:]): allow scripts to retrieve obj-c classes by name
            (-[JSObjC log:]): access to NSLog function
            (-[JSObjC retainObject:]): useful obj-c functions that are otherwise hard to reach from javascript
            (-[JSObjC classOfObject:]):
            (-[JSObjC classNameOfObject:]):
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc