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    WebCore: · c13fa54c
    mjs authored
            Reviewed by Maciej.
            Additional coding by Maciej, additional review by Oliver.
            Get rid of the FrameMac and FrameQt classes. Instead
            move all methods into Frame directly, and implement
            some platform specific methods in foo/FrameFoo.cpp.
            Some general cleanup in Frame:
            * Move some methods out of Frame, to the place where they 
            * Unify the different ways of creating the JavaScript wrappers
            for <object>, <embed> and <applet>
            * Some cleanup of the WebCoreFrameBridge
            * ForwardingHeaders/bindings/NP_jsobject.h: Added.
            * ForwardingHeaders/bindings/npruntime_impl.h: Added.
            * ForwardingHeaders/bindings/runtime_root.h: Added.
            * WebCore.exp:
            * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
            * bindings/js/kjs_binding.cpp:
            * bindings/objc/
            (-[DOMNode KJS::Bindings::]):
            * bindings/objc/
            (-[WebScriptObject _initializeScriptDOMNodeImp]):
            * bridge/EditorClient.h:
            * bridge/mac/
            * bridge/mac/
            (-[WebCoreAXObject rendererForView:]):
            * dom/Position.cpp:
            * editing/CommandByName.cpp:
            * editing/Editor.cpp:
            * editing/Editor.h:
            * editing/JSEditor.cpp:
            * html/HTMLAppletElement.cpp:
            * html/HTMLEmbedElement.cpp:
            * html/HTMLFormElement.cpp:
            * html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp:
            * loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
            * loader/mac/
            * loader/qt/DocumentLoaderQt.cpp:
            * page/Chrome.cpp:
            * page/Chrome.h:
            * page/ChromeClient.h:
            * page/Frame.cpp:
            * page/Frame.h:
            * page/FramePrivate.h:
            * page/FrameView.h:
            * page/mac/
            * page/mac/FrameMac.h: Removed.
            * page/mac/
            * page/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h:
            * page/mac/
            (-[WebCoreFrameBridge _frame]):
            * page/qt/EventHandlerQt.cpp:
            * page/qt/FrameQt.cpp:
            * page/qt/FrameQt.h: Removed.
            * platform/MimeTypeRegistry.h:
            * platform/graphics/svg/SVGImage.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/svg/SVGImageEmptyClients.h:
            * platform/mac/ClipboardMac.h:
            * platform/mac/
            * platform/mac/
            (-[OpenPanelController beginSheetWithFrame:]):
            * platform/mac/
            * platform/mac/
            * platform/mac/
            * platform/network/mac/
            * platform/network/qt/ResourceHandleManagerQt.cpp:
            * platform/network/qt/ResourceHandleQt.cpp:
            * platform/qt/MimeTypeRegistryQt.cpp:
            * platform/qt/PopupMenuQt.cpp:
            * platform/qt/ScrollViewCanvasQt.cpp:
            * platform/qt/ScrollViewQt.cpp:
            * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp:
            * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp:
            * rendering/RenderBox.cpp:
            * rendering/RootInlineBox.cpp:
            Reviewed by Maciej.
            Additional coding by Maciej, additional review by Oliver.
            Added implementations for the new callbacks in EditorClient
            and ChromeClient (basically moved from WebFrameBridge).
            Cleaned up some code paths that are not called anymore
            and done fully inside WebCore now.
            * DefaultDelegates/
            * Misc/
            * Misc/
            * Plugins/
            (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView getVariable:value:]):
            * Plugins/
            * Plugins/
            * Plugins/
            * WebCoreSupport/WebChromeClient.h:
            * WebCoreSupport/
            * WebCoreSupport/WebEditorClient.h:
            * WebCoreSupport/
            * WebCoreSupport/
            (-[WebFrameBridge finishInitializingWithPage:frameName:frameView:ownerElement:]):
            (-[WebFrameBridge fini]):
            * WebCoreSupport/
            * WebView/
            * WebView/
            (-[WebFrame _updateBackground]):
            * WebView/WebFrameInternal.h:
            * WebView/
            * WebView/
            * WebView/
            (-[WebHTMLView _updateMouseoverWithEvent:]):
            (-[WebHTMLView _isEditable]):
            (-[WebHTMLView validateUserInterfaceItem:]):
            (-[WebHTMLView maintainsInactiveSelection]):
            (-[WebHTMLView scrollWheel:]):
            (-[WebHTMLView acceptsFirstMouse:]):
            (-[WebHTMLView shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent:]):
            (-[WebHTMLView cut:]):
            (-[WebHTMLView paste:]):
            (-[WebHTMLView selectedAttributedString]):
            * WebView/
            * WebView/
            (-[WebView _dashboardRegions]):
            (-[WebView setProhibitsMainFrameScrolling:]):
            (-[WebView _setInViewSourceMode:]):
            (-[WebView _inViewSourceMode]):
            (-[WebView shouldClose]):
            (-[WebView setEditable:]):
            Reviewed by Maciej.
            Additional coding by Maciej, additional review by Oliver.
            Add stubs for the new methods in ChormeClient and EditorClient,
            remove all references to FrameQt.
            * Api/qwebframe.cpp:
            * Api/qwebframe_p.h:
            * Api/qwebpage.cpp:
            * WebCoreSupport/ChromeClientQt.cpp:
            * WebCoreSupport/ChromeClientQt.h:
            * WebCoreSupport/EditorClientQt.cpp:
            * WebCoreSupport/EditorClientQt.h:
            * WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientQt.cpp:
            * WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientQt.h:
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc