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  • beidson's avatar
    Reviewed by Darin and Geoff · c030e97a
    beidson authored
            Fix for
            Back/Forward cache should work with pages with login fields.
            First change is to relocate the "useSecureKeyboardEntry" flag to the document.  This lets
            it persist through page cache transitions and it is truly a per-document concept more than
            per-frame anyways since its the document that has a password field, not the frame.
            Second change is to introduce the concept of an Element getting a "didRestoreFromCache()" callback.
            The idea is for elements to register with the document if they need work to be done when the
            page comes out of the back/forward cache.  Currently the only client of this service is 
            HTMLInputElements that are input type == PASSWORD.  Such an element's implementation for this
            method is to call reset()
            Finally, after a page is restored from the cache we have the document send the didRestoreFromCache()
            callback to its registered Elements.  The whole design is to clear the password fields after 
            restoring the page instead of when caching the page because we want to defer work for the common
            case - there shouldn't be extra work here just to navigate away from a page when the common case
            is that you'll never go back!
            No layout tests possible until is resolved
            * dom/Document.cpp:
            (WebCore::Document::registerForDidRestoreFromCacheCallback): Add an Element to the special page-restoration callback list
            (WebCore::Document::unregisterForDidRestoreFromCacheCallback): Remove such an element
            (WebCore::Document::didRestoreFromCache): Called by FrameLoader - dispatch to all the registered elements
            (WebCore::Document::setUseSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive): Set the local flag and call updateSecureKeyboardEntryIfActive
              on the Frame
            (WebCore::Document::useSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive): Return the flag
            * dom/Document.h:
            (WebCore::Document::unregisterFormElementWithState): Renamed
            * dom/Element.h:
            (WebCore::Element::didRestoreFromCache): Added virtual base method
            * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::~HTMLInputElement): Deregister from the document if inputType == PASSWORD
            (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::dispatchFocusEvent): Set the flag on the document, not the frame
            (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::dispatchBlurEvent): Ditto
            (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::setInputType): If changing to/from PASSWORD, register/deregister in the document accordingly
            (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::attach): Call registerForDidRestoreFromCacheCallback(this) instead of passwordFieldAdded()
            (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::didRestoreFromCache): Call reset();
            * html/HTMLInputElement.h:
            * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::~HTMLSelectElement): Renamed deregisterFormElementWithState to unregisterFormElementWithState
            * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::~HTMLTextAreaElement): Ditto
            * loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::FrameLoader::canCachePage): Remove the check for password fields - they're allowed now!
            (WebCore::FrameLoader::opened): Tell the document to dispatch to the registered elements
            (WebCore::FrameLoader::saveDocumentState): Remove the check for password fields.  Turns out that when we grab a copy a the
              form state we're only copying the state of form elements that are registered with the Document - and that set 
              explicitly excludes Password elements
            * page/Frame.cpp:
            (WebCore::Frame::setDocument): If the frame is active, set the setUseSecureKeyboardEntry based on the setting contained
              in the new document
            (WebCore::Frame::updateSecureKeyboardEntryIfActive): Notification for the secure entry flag changing - if the Frame is
              active, then update to the new setting from the document
            (WebCore::Frame::setIsActive): Grab the useSecureKeyboardEntry flag from the document instead of FramePrivate
            * page/Frame.h:
            * page/FramePrivate.h:
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc