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    Objective-C API for JavaScriptCore · a56aeb21 authored
    Reviewed by Geoff Garen.
    Fixes for a number of issues raised by Darin.
    * API/APIJSValue.h:
        - Fix typos in comment
        - Add newline before NS_CLASS_AVAILABLE(10_9, NA)
        - cls -> expectedClass
        - key type for -setObject:forKeyedSubscript: is now NSObject <NSCopying> *
    * API/JSBase.h:
        - JS_OBJC_API_ENABLED no longer implies __OBJC__
    * API/
        - mark virtual functions as virtual, override, and private
        - refactor out buffer allocation for struct types
        - return nil -> return 0
        - mark virtual functions as virtual, override, and private
        - refactor out buffer allocation for struct types
        - %lu is not an appropriate format specifier for NSInteger
    (-[JSBlockAdaptor initWithBlockSignatureFromProtocol:]):
        - nil check [super init]
    (-[JSBlockAdaptor blockMatchesSignature:]):
    (-[JSBlockAdaptor blockFromValue:inContext:withException:]):
        - ctx -> contextRef
    * API/JSContext.h:
        - Fix typos in comment
        - Add newline before NS_CLASS_AVAILABLE(10_9, NA)
        - key type for -setObject:forKeyedSubscript: is now NSObject <NSCopying> *
    * API/
    (-[JSContext initWithVirtualMachine:]):
        - nil check [super init]
    (+[JSContext currentArguments]):
        - args -> argumentArray
    (-[JSContext setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]):
        - key type for -setObject:forKeyedSubscript: is now NSObject <NSCopying> *
    (-[JSContext dealloc]):
    (-[JSContext protect:]):
    (-[JSContext unprotect:]):
        - m_protected -> m_protectCounts
    * API/
    (-[JSValue toObjectOfClass:]):
        - cls -> expectedClass
    (-[JSValue toBool]):
    (-[JSValue deleteProperty:]):
    (-[JSValue hasProperty:]):
    (-[JSValue isUndefined]):
    (-[JSValue isNull]):
    (-[JSValue isBoolean]):
    (-[JSValue isNumber]):
    (-[JSValue isString]):
    (-[JSValue isObject]):
    (-[JSValue isEqualToObject:]):
    (-[JSValue isEqualWithTypeCoercionToObject:]):
    (-[JSValue isInstanceOf:]):
        - removed ? YES : NO
    (-[JSValue callWithArguments:]):
    (-[JSValue constructWithArguments:]):
    (-[JSValue invokeMethod:withArguments:]):
        - args -> argumentArray
    (+[JSValue valueWithPoint:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithRange:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithRect:inContext:]):
    (+[JSValue valueWithSize:inContext:]):
        - [NSNumber numberWithFloat:] -> @()
    (-[JSValue objectForKeyedSubscript:]):
    (-[JSValue setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]):
        - key type for -setObject:forKeyedSubscript: is now NSObject <NSCopying> *
        - remove WTF::
        - isWorkListEmpty is const
        -  use fast enumeration
    (-[JSValue initWithValue:inContext:]):
        - nil check [super init]
        - m_structHandlers -> structHandlers
    * API/JSVirtualMachine.h:
        - Add newline before NS_CLASS_AVAILABLE(10_9, NA)
    * API/
    (-[JSVirtualMachine init]):
        - nil check [super init]
    * API/
        - remove WTF::
        - use static_cast
    (-[JSObjCClassInfo initWithContext:forClass:superClassInfo:]):
    (-[JSWrapperMap initWithContext:]):
        - nil check [super init]
    (-[JSWrapperMap wrapperForObject:]):
        - enable ASSERT
        - remove if check on initializing static
    * API/JavaScriptCore.h:
        - JS_OBJC_API_ENABLED no longer implies __OBJC__
    * API/
        - mark virtual functions as virtual, override, and private
        - refactor out buffer allocation for struct types
        - return nil -> return 0
        - mark virtual functions as virtual, override, and private
        - refactor out buffer allocation for struct types
        - return nil -> return 0
        - remove WTF::
        - use static_cast
        - Fix typos in comment
        - Split out createObjCCallbackFunctionClass from objCCallbackFunctionClass
        - ctx -> contextRef
        - Remove tri-state enum.
        - isdigit -> isASCIIDigit 
        - clean up & comment blockSignatureContainsClass() usage
        - use static_cast
    * API/ObjcRuntimeExtras.h:
        - Remove WTF::
        - Remove if (count) checks
        - NSUInteger -> size_t
    (StringRange::operator const char*):
    (StructBuffer::operator void*):
        - Added helper for creating an aligned buffer, used by struct conversion invocations.
        - *(position++) -> *position++
    * API/tests/testapi.c:
    * API/tests/testapi.m:
        - Remove tri-state enum.
        - Added more result type checks.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc