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  • cblu's avatar
    WebKit: · 9e186994
    cblu authored
    	Fixed: 2991610 - Alexander should support services, including Speech
            * WebView.subproj/WebHTMLView.m:
            (+[WebHTMLView initialize]): register for service types
            (-[WebHTMLView dealloc]): moved to top of file
            (-[WebHTMLView copy:]): call _writeSelectionToPasteboard
            (-[WebHTMLView writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:]): call _writeSelectionToPasteboard
            (-[WebHTMLView validRequestorForSendType:returnType:]): return self for our pboard types
            * WebView.subproj/WebHTMLViewPrivate.h:
            * WebView.subproj/WebHTMLViewPrivate.m:
            (+[WebHTMLView _pasteboardTypes]): new, returns the array of supported pboard types
            (-[WebHTMLView _writeSelectionToPasteboard:]): new, adds data to pboard
            * WebView.subproj/WebImageView.m:
            (-[WebImageView initialize]): register for service types
            (-[WebImageView validateUserInterfaceItem:]): respond to copy
            (-[WebImageView validRequestorForSendType:returnType:]): return self for images
            (-[WebImageView writeImageToPasteboard:]): writes image data to pboard
            (-[WebImageView copy:]): calls writeImageToPasteboard
            (-[WebImageView writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:]): calls writeImageToPasteboard
    	Open the URL in a new window as we do for other externally opened URLs.
            * ServicesProvider.m:
            (-[ServicesProvider openURL:userData:error:]):
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc