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    First checkin of making frames work with the back forward list, restoring... · 9ca0d00f
    trey authored
    First checkin of making frames work with the back forward list, restoring scroll position and form state.  Fixing:
    3014555 Lose frameset context going back/forward
    3078151 History inconsistency after loading frame content
    3089551 REGRESSION: frames don't load in alex-30
    3095878 refresh doesn't preserve frame state
            * khtml/khtml_part.cpp:
            (KHTMLPart::requestFrameName):  Call through bridge to get generated frame name.
            * kwq/KWQKHTMLPart.h:
            * kwq/
            (KWQKHTMLPart::generateFrameName):  New call that just forwards through the bridge.
            * kwq/WebCoreBridge.h:
            * History.subproj/WebBackForwardList.m:
            (-[WebBackForwardList addEntry:]):  Yank code to avoid adding a duplicate entry, to catch the
    	refresh case.  That's dealt with in WebFramePrivate now.
            (-[WebBackForwardList description]):  Enhanced to print more info.
            * History.subproj/WebHistoryItem.h:
    	History items now hold an array of subitems to mirror the frame tree.  One item in the tree
    	is designated the target of the navigation.
            * History.subproj/WebHistoryItem.m:
            (-[WebHistoryItem dealloc]):  Release new ivars.
            (-[WebHistoryItem isTargetItem]):
            (-[WebHistoryItem setIsTargetItem:]):
    	New setter and setter.
            (-[WebHistoryItem _recurseToFindTargetItem]):
            (-[WebHistoryItem targetItem]):
    	Search the tree to find the target item.
            (-[WebHistoryItem children]):
            (-[WebHistoryItem addChildItem:]):
            (-[WebHistoryItem childItemWithName:]):
    	Maintain and search new child item list.
            (-[WebHistoryItem description]):
    	Enhanced to print out the tree of items.
            (-[WebHistoryItem dictionaryRepresentation]):
            (-[WebHistoryItem initFromDictionaryRepresentation:]):
    	Save and load the new state.
            * WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebBridge.m:
            (-[WebBridge generateFrameName]):  New call from KWQ, just forwards to Frame.
            (-[WebBridge createChildFrameNamed:withURL:renderPart:allowsScrolling:marginWidth:marginHeight:]):
    	Call new frame method dedicated to this case.
            (-[WebBridge saveDocumentState:]):
            (-[WebBridge documentState]):
    	Call frame methods to get the right item to save/restore to/from.
            * WebView.subproj/WebController.m:
            (-[WebController _goToItem:withLoadType:]):  Stop any current loading before going to a new item.
            (-[WebController goBack]):
            (-[WebController goForward]):
            (-[WebController goBackOrForwardToItem:]):  Name change of private method (for consistency)
            * WebView.subproj/WebDataSourcePrivate.h:
    	ProvisionalItem and PreviousItem are moved back up to WebFrame, where we know more about the
    	state transitions that happen during loading.
            * WebView.subproj/WebDataSourcePrivate.m:
            (-[WebDataSourcePrivate dealloc]): Don't release removed ivars.
            (-[WebDataSource _commitIfReady]): Make the view representations -after- the transition to committed.
    	This allows us to save away the scroll location successfully, since making the view was resetting it.
            * WebView.subproj/WebFrame.h:
            * WebView.subproj/WebFrame.m:
            (-[WebFrame setProvisionalDataSource:]):  Saving the scroll location has moved elsewhere to handle frames.
            (-[WebFrame stopLoading]):  Skip all the work if we're already state=complete.
            * WebView.subproj/WebFramePrivate.h:
    	The frame now holds a ref to the current, previous and provisional back-forward items.
            * WebView.subproj/WebFramePrivate.m:
            (-[WebFramePrivate dealloc]):  Release new state.
            (-[WebFramePrivate setProvisionalItem:]):
            (-[WebFramePrivate setPreviousItem:]):
            (-[WebFramePrivate setCurrentItem:]):	New setters (1 line getters were missed by script)
            (-[WebFrame _addBackForwardItemClippedAtTarget:]):  Adds a BF item to the top of the BF list.
            (-[WebFrame _createItem]):  Create a single BF item.
            (-[WebFrame _createItemTreeWithTargetFrame:clippedAtTarget:]):  Create a tree of BF items, which
    	mirror the frame tree.
            (-[WebFrame _immediateChildFrameNamed:]):  New frame search utility (doesn't recurse)
            (-[WebFrame _detachFromParent]):  Save the scroll position when detaching a frame.
            (-[WebFrame _transitionToCommitted]):  Maintain new item ivars.  Save scroll position when
    	appropriate.  Hook up items for child frames to their parent, as they are created.
            (-[WebFrame _setState:]):  Clear previousItem whenever we reach committed.
            (-[WebFrame _isLoadComplete]):  Clear previousItem if we are committed.
            (-[WebFrame _childFramesMatchItem:]):  Does the frame's frame tree match the one held by the item?
            (-[WebFrame _loadItem:fromItem:withLoadType:]):  Only do simple anchor navigation if the frame
    	has no children (fixes oddball corner case with a frame reloading itself).  Set provisional item.
            (-[WebFrame _recursiveGoToItem:fromItem:withLoadType:]):  Heart of returning to an item that had
    	frames.  We either find that the existing content is good, or initiate a load.
            (-[WebFrame _goToItem:withLoadType:]):  Adjust the BF list cursor, and recurse to do the work.
            (-[WebFrame _loadURL:loadType:clientRedirect:triggeringEvent:]):  Only do anchor-style nav if
    	the destination URL has a fragment.  Save scroll position.
            (-[WebFrame _loadURL:intoChild:]):  If returning to an item with frames, possibly replace the
    	new content with the stuff that was there at the time, substituting the URL.
            (-[WebFrame _saveScrollPositionToItem:]):  Don't croak on nil item or view.
            (-[WebFrame _restoreScrollPosition]):  Do croak (ASSERT) on nil item.
            (-[WebFrame _scrollToTop]):  Nit cleanup.
            (-[WebFrame _addFramePathToString:]):  Add a component for our frame to the frame name we're generating.
            (-[WebFrame _generateFrameName]):  Generate a frame name that is repeatable.
            (-[WebFrame _itemForSavingDocState]):  Returns correct item to use for formstate save.
            (-[WebFrame _itemForRestoringDocState]):  Returns correct item to use for formstate restore
            * BrowserDocument.m:
            (-[BrowserDocument _addItem:toMenu:]):
    	For a back-forward item that's a tree because its for a frameset, use the
    	right item of the tree to generate the menu contents.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc