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  • sullivan's avatar
    Reviewed by Tim Hatcher · 999e46ff
    sullivan authored
            Discovered while working on <rdar://problem/5070334> that many WebView calls will crash if called
            after -[WebView close] has executed because _private->page is deferenced after it's been set to 0. 
            It might be silly/wrong to call these methods after -close, but obviously it shouldn't crash. Made
            each use of _private->page robust against nil-dereferencing.
            * WebView/
            (-[WebView _loadBackForwardListFromOtherView:]):
            (-[WebView _updateWebCoreSettingsFromPreferences:]):
            (-[WebView _setDashboardBehavior:to:]):
            (-[WebView _dashboardBehavior:]):
            (-[WebView goBack]):
            (-[WebView goForward]):
            (-[WebView goToBackForwardItem:]):
            (-[WebView canGoBack]):
            (-[WebView canGoForward]):
            (-[WebView setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements:]):
            (-[WebView tabKeyCyclesThroughElements]):
            (-[WebView setEditable:]):
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc