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  • darin's avatar
    * History.subproj/WebHistoryItem.h: Replace _URL with _URLString. · 86a7a23d
    darin authored
            * History.subproj/WebHistoryItem.m:
            (-[WebHistoryItem _retainIconInDatabase:]): Get the URL with [self URL].
            (-[WebHistoryItem initWithURL:target:parent:title:]): Set up _URLString.
            (-[WebHistoryItem dealloc]): Release _URLString.
            (-[WebHistoryItem URL]): Make a URL from _URLString.
            (-[WebHistoryItem icon]): Use [self URL] instead of _URL.
            (-[WebHistoryItem setURL:]): Store a URL string.
            (-[WebHistoryItem hash]): Use the URL string's hash.
            (-[WebHistoryItem isEqual:]): Compare the URL strings.
            (-[WebHistoryItem description]): Use _URLString.
            (-[WebHistoryItem dictionaryRepresentation]): Use _URLString.
            (-[WebHistoryItem initFromDictionaryRepresentation:]): Call through to
    	the other init functions so we have only one designated initializer.
    	Leave the date as nil if there's no date in the dictionary instead of
    	setting the date to 0.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc