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  • darin's avatar
    WebCore: · 7c9aa2d4
    darin authored
            Reviewed by Maciej.
            - converted more of the loader machinery to work with cross-platform
              data structures instead of Macintosh-specific ones
              converted most uses of NSURL to KURL and NSEvent to DOM Event in
              loader classes
              moved download function out of FrameLoader.h to avoid reference to
              added DOM Event parameters to various functions so that the handlers
              can use the DOM Event instead of the global "current NSEvent";
              includes Frame::submitForm, HTMLFormElement::prepareSubmit,
              HTMLFormElement::submit, FrameLoader::load
              moved the setMainFrame call that hands ownership to the Page
              into one of the Frame constructors, and removed it from all
              the clients
              removed const from Event parameter to the urlSelected function
              (we rarely use const with DOM elements)
              removed some redundant includes and declarations from various
              header files
              removed NSURL parameter from userAgent function -- if we need it we
              can add it back, but converting from NSURL to KURL and back is
              inefficient enough that it's best to have it out for now (since it's
              been unused for years) -- if we add it back, we can choose an
              appropriate parameter type that's always inexpensive to pass
              did some basic cleanup in the IconLoader class, including removing
              an unnecessary loop that added icon data a byte at a time
              renamed safeLoad to load, since it's no different from the other
              FrameLoader load functions, safety-wise
              fixed some code that was trying to distinguish null frame name from
              empty string frame name -- both should be handled the same, but callers
              were doing it by checking for empty and turning it into null (in a way
              that was causing extra round trips between NSString and WebCore::String)
              corrected all uses of "get" and "post" to be uppercase "GET" and "POST"
              and got rid of case-insensitive compares of methods
            * WebCore.exp:
            * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
            * bindings/js/kjs_navigator.cpp:
            * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h:
            * bridge/mac/
            * bridge/mac/
            * bridge/mac/
            (-[WebCoreAXObject rendererForView:]):
            * bridge/mac/WebCorePageBridge.h:
            * bridge/mac/
            * bridge/mac/
            * bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp:
            * bridge/win/FrameWin.h:
            * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.cpp:
            * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.h:
            * dom/UIEvent.cpp:
            * dom/UIEvent.h:
            * dom/UIEventWithKeyState.h:
            * dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp:
            * html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp:
            * html/HTMLButtonElement.cpp:
            * html/HTMLFormElement.cpp:
            * html/HTMLFormElement.h:
            * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp:
            * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp:
            * loader/DocumentLoader.h:
            * loader/FrameLoader.h:
            * loader/FrameLoaderClient.h:
            * loader/NavigationAction.h:
            * loader/icon/IconLoader.cpp:
            * loader/icon/IconLoader.h:
            * loader/loader.cpp:
            * loader/mac/
            * loader/mac/
            * loader/mac/
            * loader/mac/
            * loader/mac/
            * loader/mac/
            * loader/mac/
            * loader/mac/
            * page/Frame.cpp:
            * page/Frame.h:
            * page/FramePrivate.h:
            * platform/gdk/FrameGdk.cpp:
            * platform/gdk/FrameGdk.h:
            * platform/mac/
            * platform/network/HTTPHeaderMap.h:
            * platform/network/ResourceHandle.h:
            * platform/network/ResourceHandleClient.h:
            * platform/network/ResourceHandleInternal.h:
            * platform/network/mac/
            * platform/network/mac/ResourceResponseMac.h:
            * platform/network/mac/
            (-[NSURLResponse WebCore]):
            * platform/network/win/ResourceHandleWin.cpp:
            * platform/qt/FrameQt.cpp:
            * platform/qt/FrameQt.h:
            * rendering/RenderLineEdit.cpp:
            * xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp:
            * xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp:
            Reviewed by Maciej.
            - converted more of the loader machinery to work with cross-platform
              data structures instead of Macintosh-specific ones
              store the computed user agent string as a WebCore::String instead
              of an NSString to avoid overhead converting it every time we get it
            * COM/WebFrame.cpp:
            * ChangeLog:
            * Misc/WebElementDictionary.m:
            (-[WebElementDictionary _image]):
            (-[WebElementDictionary _targetWebFrame]):
            * WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.h:
            * WebCoreSupport/
            * WebCoreSupport/
            * WebView/
            (-[WebDataSource _URL]):
            (-[WebDataSource _URLForHistory]):
            (-[WebDataSource unreachableURL]):
            * WebView/WebHTMLView.m:
            (-[WebHTMLView elementAtPoint:allowShadowContent:]):
            * WebView/
            (-[WebPDFView PDFViewWillClickOnLink:withURL:]):
            (-[WebPDFView _path]):
            * WebView/
            (-[WebViewPrivate init]):
            (-[WebViewPrivate dealloc]):
            (-[WebViewPrivate finalize]):
            (-[WebView _preferencesChangedNotification:]):
            (-[WebView _cachedResponseForURL:]):
            (-[WebView setApplicationNameForUserAgent:]):
            (-[WebView setCustomUserAgent:]):
            (-[WebView customUserAgent]):
            (-[WebView userAgentForURL:]):
            (-[WebView _computeUserAgent]):
            (-[WebView WebCore::]):
            * WebView/WebViewInternal.h:
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc