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  •'s avatar · 617f4646 authored
    Add attributes field to JSArray's SparseMap
    Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
    This will be necessary to be able to support non- writable/configurable/enumerable
    properties, and helpful for getters/setters.
    Added a concept of being 'inSparseMode' - this indicates the array has a non-standard
    * runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp:
        - JSArray::sort methods not allowed on arrays that are 'inSparseMode'.
          (must fall back to generic sort alogrithm).
    * runtime/JSArray.cpp:
        - moved reportedMapCapacity into the SparseArrayValueMap object.
        - Added.
        - Updated for changes in SparseArrayValueMap.
        - Disallow on 'SparseMode' arrays.
    * runtime/JSArray.h:
        - An entry in the sparse array - value (WriteBarrier) + attributes.
        - Flags to track whether an Array is forced into SparseMode.
        - accessors to the map
        - only for use on non-SpareMode arrays.
        - Added.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc