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  • adele's avatar
    Reviewed by Hyatt. · 590ce138
    adele authored
            - Tests for
            baselinePosition is wrong for new text field when empty
            * fast/forms/input-baseline-expected.checksum: Added.
            * fast/forms/input-baseline-expected.png: Added.
            * fast/forms/input-baseline-expected.txt: Added.
            * fast/forms/input-baseline.html: Added.
            * fast/inline-block/contenteditable-baseline-expected.checksum: Added.
            * fast/inline-block/contenteditable-baseline-expected.png: Added.
            * fast/inline-block/contenteditable-baseline-expected.txt: Added.
            * fast/inline-block/contenteditable-baseline.html: Added.
            Reviewed by Hyatt.
            * fast/forms/input-baseline.html
            * fast/inline-block/contenteditable-baseline.html
            - Fixed
            baselinePosition is wrong for new text field when empty
            * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::getBaselineOfLastLineBox):  
             If we're dealing with an empty contenteditable block, then we've added height to the block to make room for the caret, 
             and there are no children to give us the baseline.  Instead, compute the baseline for the block itself, and factor in the border and the padding.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc