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    JavaScriptCore: · 53ecc4e3 authored
    2009-05-13  Darin Adler  <>
            Reviewed by Cameron Zwarich.
            Bug 25674: syntax tree nodes should use arena allocation
            Step 3: Add some actual arena allocation. About 1% SunSpider speedup.
            * JavaScriptCore.exp: Updated.
            * bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.cpp:
            (JSC::BytecodeGenerator::BytecodeGenerator): Updated since VarStack
            contains const Identifier* now.
            (JSC::BytecodeGenerator::emitPushNewScope): Updated to take a const
            * bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.h: Ditto
            * bytecompiler/SegmentedVector.h: Added isEmpty.
            * debugger/Debugger.cpp:
            (JSC::Debugger::recompileAllJSFunctions): Moved this function here from
            WebCore so WebCore doesn't need the details of FunctionBodyNode.
            * debugger/Debugger.h: Ditto.
            * interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:
            (JSC::Interpreter::execute): Updated since VarStack contains const
            Identifier* now.
            * jit/JITStubs.cpp:
            (JSC::JITStubs::cti_vm_lazyLinkCall): Call isHostFunction on the body
            rather than on the function object, since we can't easily have inlined
            access to the FunctionBodyNode in JSFunction.h since WebCore needs
            access to that header.
            (JSC::JITStubs::cti_op_construct_JSConstruct): Ditto.
            * profiler/Profiler.cpp:
            (JSC::Profiler::createCallIdentifier): Ditto.
            * parser/Grammar.y: Use JSGlobalData* to pass the global data pointer
            around whenever possible instead of using void*. Changed
            SET_EXCEPTION_LOCATION from a macro to an inline function. Marked
            the structure-creating functions inline. Changed the VarStack to use
            identifier pointers instead of actual identifiers. This takes
            advantage of the fact that all identifier pointers come from the
            arena and avoids referenc count churn. Changed Identifier* to
            const Identifier* to make sure we don't modify any by accident.
            Used identifiers for regular expression strings too, using the new
            scanRegExp that has out parameters instead of the old one that relied
            on side effects in the Lexer. Move the creation of numeric identifiers
            out of this file and into the PropertyNode constructor.
            * parser/Lexer.cpp:
            (JSC::Lexer::setCode): Pass in ParserArena, used for identifiers.
            (JSC::Lexer::makeIdentifier): Changed return type to const Identifier*
            and changed to call ParserArena.
            (JSC::Lexer::scanRegExp): Added out arguments that are const Identifier*
            as well as a prefix character argument so we can handle the /= case
            without a string append.
            (JSC::Lexer::skipRegExp): Added. Skips a regular expression without
            allocating Identifier objects.
            (JSC::Lexer::clear): Removed the code to manage m_identifiers, m_pattern,
            and m_flags, and added code to set m_arena to 0.
            * parser/Lexer.h: Updated for changes above.
            * parser/NodeConstructors.h:
            (JSC::ParserArenaFreeable::operator new): Added. Calls allocateFreeable
            on the arena.
            (JSC::ParserArenaDeletable::operator new): Changed to call the
            allocateDeletable function on the arena instead of deleteWithArena.
            (JSC::RegExpNode::RegExpNode): Changed arguments to Identifier instead
            of UString since these come from the parser which makes identifiers.
            (JSC::PropertyNode::PropertyNode): Added new constructor that makes
            numeric identifiers. Some day we might want to optimize this for
            integers so it doesn't create a string for each one.
            (JSC::ContinueNode::ContinueNode): Initialize m_ident to nullIdentifier
            since it's now a const Identifier& so it can't be left uninitialized.
            (JSC::BreakNode::BreakNode): Ditto.
            (JSC::CaseClauseNode::CaseClauseNode): Updated to use SourceElements*
            to keep track of the statements rather than a separate statement vector.
            (JSC::BlockNode::BlockNode): Ditto.
            (JSC::ForInNode::ForInNode): Initialize m_ident to nullIdentifier.
            * parser/Nodes.cpp: Moved the comment explaining emitBytecode in here.
            It seemed strangely out of place in the header.
            (JSC::ThrowableExpressionData::emitThrowError): Added an overload for
            UString as well as Identifier.
            (JSC::SourceElements::singleStatement): Added.
            (JSC::SourceElements::lastStatement): Added.
            (JSC::RegExpNode::emitBytecode): Updated since the pattern and flags
            are now Identifier instead of UString. Also changed the throwError code
            to use the substitution mechanism instead of doing a string append.
            (JSC::SourceElements::emitBytecode): Added. Replaces the old
            statementListEmitCode function, since we now keep the SourceElements
            objects around.
            (JSC::BlockNode::lastStatement): Added.
            (JSC::BlockNode::emitBytecode): Changed to use emitBytecode instead of
            (JSC::CaseClauseNode::emitBytecode): Added.
            (JSC::CaseBlockNode::emitBytecodeForBlock): Changed to use emitBytecode
            instead of statementListEmitCode.
            (JSC::ScopeNodeData::ScopeNodeData): Changed to store the
            SourceElements* instead of using releaseContentsIntoVector.
            (JSC::ScopeNode::emitStatementsBytecode): Added.
            (JSC::ScopeNode::singleStatement): Added.
            (JSC::ProgramNode::emitBytecode): Call emitStatementsBytecode instead
            of statementListEmitCode.
            (JSC::EvalNode::emitBytecode): Ditto.
            (JSC::EvalNode::generateBytecode): Removed code to clear the children
            vector. This optimization is no longer possible since everything is in
            a single arena.
            (JSC::FunctionBodyNode::emitBytecode): Call emitStatementsBytecode
            insetad of statementListEmitCode and check for the return node using
            the new functions.
            * parser/Nodes.h: Changed VarStack to store const Identifier* instead
            of Identifier and rely on the arena to control lifetime. Added a new
            ParserArenaFreeable class. Made ParserArenaDeletable inherit from
            FastAllocBase instead of having its own operator new. Base the Node
            class on ParserArenaFreeable. Changed the various Node classes
            to use const Identifier& instead of Identifier to avoid the need to
            call their destructors and allow them to function as "freeable" in the
            arena. Removed extraneous JSC_FAST_CALL on definitions of inline functions.
            Changed ElementNode, PropertyNode, ArgumentsNode, ParameterNode,
            CaseClauseNode, ClauseListNode, and CaseBlockNode to use ParserArenaFreeable
            as a base class since they do not descend from Node. Eliminated the
            StatementVector type and instead have various classes use SourceElements*
            instead of StatementVector. This prevents those classes from having th
            use ParserArenaDeletable to make sure the vector destructor is called.
            * parser/Parser.cpp:
            (JSC::Parser::parse): Pass the arena to the lexer.
            * parser/Parser.h: Added an include of ParserArena.h, which is no longer
            included by Nodes.h.
            * parser/ParserArena.cpp:
            (JSC::ParserArena::ParserArena): Added. Initializes the new members,
            m_freeableMemory, m_freeablePoolEnd, and m_identifiers.
            (JSC::ParserArena::freeablePool): Added. Computes the pool pointer,
            since we store only the current pointer and the end of pool pointer.
            (JSC::ParserArena::deallocateObjects): Added. Contains the common
            memory-deallocation logic used by both the destructor and the
            reset function.
            (JSC::ParserArena::~ParserArena): Changed to call deallocateObjects.
            (JSC::ParserArena::reset): Ditto. Also added code to zero out the
            new structures, and switched to use clear() instead of shrink(0) since
            we don't really reuse arenas.
            (JSC::ParserArena::makeNumericIdentifier): Added.
            (JSC::ParserArena::allocateFreeablePool): Added. Used when the pool
            is empty.
            (JSC::ParserArena::isEmpty): Added. No longer inline, which is fine
            since this is used only for assertions at the moment.
            * parser/ParserArena.h: Added an actual arena of "freeable" objects,
            ones that don't need destructors to be called. Also added the segmented
            vector of identifiers that used to be in the Lexer.
            * runtime/FunctionConstructor.cpp:
            (JSC::extractFunctionBody): Use singleStatement function rather than
            getting at a StatementVector.
            * runtime/FunctionPrototype.cpp:
            (JSC::functionProtoFuncToString): Call isHostFunction on the body
            rather than the function object.
            * runtime/JSFunction.cpp:
            (JSC::JSFunction::JSFunction): Moved the structure version of this in
            here from the header. It's not hot enough that it needs to be inlined.
            (JSC::JSFunction::isHostFunction): Moved this in here from the header.
            It's now a helper to be used only within the class.
            (JSC::JSFunction::setBody): Moved this in here. It's not hot enough that
            it needs to be inlined, and we want to be able to compile the header
            without the definition of FunctionBodyNode.
            * runtime/JSFunction.h: Eliminated the include of "Nodes.h". This was
            exposing too much JavaScriptCore dependency to WebCore. Because of this
            change and some changes made to WebCore, we could now export a lot fewer
            headers from JavaScriptCore, but I have not done that yet in this check-in.
            Made a couple functions non-inline. Removes some isHostFunction() assertions.
            * wtf/FastAllocBase.h: Added the conventional using statements we use in
            WTF so we can use identifiers from the WTF namespace without explicit
            namespace qualification or namespace directive. This is the usual WTF style,
            although it's unconventional in the C++ world. We use the namespace primarily
            for link-time disambiguation, not compile-time.
            * wtf/FastMalloc.cpp: Fixed an incorrect comment.
    2009-05-13  Darin Adler  <>
            Reviewed by Cameron Zwarich.
            Bug 25674: syntax tree nodes should use arena allocation
            * bindings/js/JSDOMBinding.h: Removed include of JSFunction.h.
            We don't want the entire DOM binding to depend on that file.
            * bindings/js/JSAudioConstructor.cpp: Added include of Error.h.
            Before we inherited this automatically because JDDOMBinding.h
            included JSFunction.h, but that was excessive.
            * bindings/js/JSDOMWindowCustom.cpp: Ditto.
            * bindings/js/JSHTMLInputElementCustom.cpp: Ditto.
            * bindings/js/JSImageConstructor.cpp: Ditto.
            * bindings/js/JSLazyEventListener.cpp: Ditto, but for JSFunction.h.
            * bindings/js/JSMessageChannelConstructor.cpp: Ditto.
            * bindings/js/JSOptionConstructor.cpp: Ditto.
            * bindings/js/JSWorkerConstructor.cpp: Ditto.
            * bindings/js/JSXMLHttpRequestConstructor.cpp: Ditto.
            * bridge/jni/ Ditto, but for SourceCode.h.
            * inspector/InspectorController.cpp: Ditto.
            * inspector/JavaScriptDebugServer.cpp:
            Moved mose of this function into the base class in JavaScriptCore,
            so the details of compilation don't have to be exposed.
    2009-05-13  Darin Adler  <>
            Reviewed by Cameron Zwarich.
            Bug 25674: syntax tree nodes should use arena allocation
            * Plugins/Hosted/ Updated includes.
            New ones needed due to reducing includes of JSDOMBinding.h.
            * WebView/ Ditto.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc