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  • ggaren's avatar
    WebCore: · 52fd1079
    ggaren authored
            Reviewed by Maciej, Anders, Darin.
            Removed the Page bridge. Beefed up Chrome. Added Screen and ScreenClient.
            Fixed a minor where WebCore would always assume it was displayed on the 
            monitor containing the menubar. and window.showModalDialog 
            are now cross-platform. 
            Layout tests, manual-tests/show-modal-dialog, and manual-tests/
            window-open-features-parsing all pass. I verified the new screen functionality
            by running in DRT, and checking whether WebCore knew it was off-screen.
            Some refactoring remains, as all were not pleased by this design. I see
            in my future another patch.
            * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: Screen is now a stand-alone object with a
            client, to encapsulate asking the platform questions about the screen occupied by
            the page. (Previously, we always assumed we were on screen 0, which was a bug.)
            * bridge/mac/
            (createMouseEventFromDraggingInfo): Reversed argument order, to match other
            (-[WebCoreFrameBridge dragSourceMovedTo:]): ditto
            (-[WebCoreFrameBridge dragSourceEndedAt:operation:]): ditto
            * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameNamespaces.h: Removed. Dead Code.
            * bridge/mac/ Removed. Dead Code.
            * bridge/mac/WebCorePageBridge.h: Removed. Dead Code.
            * bridge/mac/ Removed. Dead Code.
            * manual-tests/window-open-features-parsing.html: Updated for accuracy.
            (In this case, neither size nor position is specified, so you should
            get the default window size and position.)
            * page/Screen.cpp: Added. Includes screen-related helper functions used
            in WebCore and WebKit.
            * platform/PlatformMouseEvent.h: Exported common code so it doesn't have
            to be duplicated. Renamed "position" to "point" since both were used,
            and "point" seemed clearer.
            * platform/Screen.h: Removed. Dead Code.
            * platform/mac/ Added. Moved code here from WebCorePageBridge
            Reviewed by Maciej, Darin, Anders.
            Removed the Page bridge. Beefed up Chrome. Added Screen and ScreenClient.
            (WebChromeClient::pageRect): It may seem weird for the page to ask the Chrome/ChromeClient
            about its own dimensions. The idea here is that we're asking the Chrome how
            much space it has devoted to the page. We have API for this (-webViewContentRect), but 
            it was documented incorrectly (even Safari used it wrong), so we don't use 
            it anymore. Once we fix our API/documentation, we can return to making a
            delegate callback to ask for the page's size.
            (WebChromeClient::createWindow): Changed to take a FrameLoadRequest with
            an appropriate referrer, instead of making up its own.
            (WebChromeClient::createModalDialog): Changed to take a FrameLoadRequest with
            an appropriate referrer, instead of broken out parcels.
            * WebCoreSupport/WebPageBridge.h: Removed. Dead Code.
            * WebCoreSupport/ Removed. Dead Code.
            * WebCoreSupport/WebScreenClient.h: Added.
            * WebCoreSupport/ Added.
            * WebView/ Added NULL checks for new _private->page, since
            it's not NULL-safe like the bridge was, and it gets cleared before
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc