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  • darin's avatar
    Did some minor plugin cleanup, mostly to make sure we don't · 4f74e34e
    darin authored
    	change pages while a plugin is tracking.
            * Plugins.subproj/WebPluginView.h: Add sendEvent and sendUpdateEvent.
    	Remove the NPP_HandleEvent method.
            * Plugins.subproj/WebPluginView.m:
            (-[WebNetscapePluginView sendEvent:]): Sets up the "defersCallbacks"
    	state, then sends the event.
            * Plugins.subproj/WebNetscapePluginViewPrivate.h: Added.
    	This stuff was shared in a different way before, and it
    	hadn't even been renamed.
            * WebKit.pbproj/project.pbxproj: Added file.
            * Plugins.subproj/npapi.m: Use the new private header.
            * Plugins.subproj/WebPluginNullEventSender.h: Hold a reference
    	to the view.
            * Plugins.subproj/WebPluginNullEventSender.m:
            (-[WebNetscapePluginNullEventSender initWithPluginView:]):
    	Retain the view.
            (-[WebNetscapePluginNullEventSender dealloc]): Release the view.
            (-[WebNetscapePluginNullEventSender sendNullEvents]): Use sendEvent:.
            (-[WebNetscapePluginNullEventSender stop]): No need for shouldStop.
            * WebView.subproj/WebDataSourcePrivate.m:
            (-[WebDataSourcePrivate init]): Don't set contentPolicy to an enum value,
    	when it's an object reference.
            (-[WebDataSourcePrivate dealloc]): Release contentPolicy to fix a leak.
            * WebView.subproj/WebHTMLView.m:
            (-[WebHTMLView mouseDragged:]): Set draggedURL to nil in the else case,
    	it was uninitialized before. Also center the icon better when dragging,
    	but shouldn't we be dragging something more than the icon here?
            * Misc.subproj/WebIconDatabase.m: (-[WebIconDatabase defaultIconWithSize:]):
    	Add a call to release. Doesn't really plug a leak, but cleaner this way.
            * Plugins.subproj/WebPlugin.m: Tweaks.
            * WebView.subproj/WebMainResourceClient.m: Tweaks only.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc