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  • ggaren's avatar
    JavaScriptCore: · 470b1c7b
    ggaren authored
            Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
            Fixed <rdar://problem/4681051> Installer crashes in KJS::Collector::
            markOtherThreadConservatively(KJS::Collector::Thread*) trying to install 
            iLife 06 using Rosetta on an Intel Machine
            The problem was that our thread-specific data destructor would modify the
            list of active JavaScript threads without holding the JSLock, corrupting
            the list. Corruption was especially likely if one JavaScript thread exited 
            while another was starting up.
            * JavaScriptCore.exp:
            * kjs/JSLock.cpp: Don't conflate locking the JSLock with registering a
            thread, since the thread-specific data destructor needs to lock
            without registering a thread. Instead, treat thread registration as a
            part of the convenience of the JSLock object, and whittle down JSLock::lock()
            to just the bits that actually do the locking.
            * kjs/JSLock.h: Updated comments to mention the new behavior above, and
            other recent changes.
            * kjs/collector.cpp:
            (KJS::destroyRegisteredThread): Lock here.
            (KJS::Collector::registerThread): To match, assert that we're locked here.
            Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
            Updated in light of fix for <rdar://problem/4681051> Installer crashes 
            in KJS::Collector::markOtherThreadConservatively(KJS::Collector::Thread*) 
            trying to install iLife 06 using Rosetta on an Intel Machine
            * JavaScriptGlue.cpp:
            (JSLockInterpreter): Ensure backwards compatibility by calling 
            registerThread() when explicitly taking the JSLock. (This doesn't happen 
            automatically anymore.) I doubt this actally matters, but in JavaScriptGlue
            territory, that kind of thinking will get you killed.
            Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
            Beefed up --threaded mode in light of <rdar://problem/4681051> Installer 
            crashes in KJS::Collector::markOtherThreadConservatively(KJS::Collector::Thread*) 
            trying to install iLife 06 using Rosetta on an Intel Machine
            --threaded mode now runs a bunch of different JavaScript threads, randomly
            killing and respawning them. This was sufficient for reproducing the
            bug on my MacBook Pro.
            * DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.m:
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc