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    WebKit: · 3629d5a8
    trey authored
    	2919039 - Implement limit on back/forward history list
    	2998200 - access to most-recent in submenu of back & forward buttons
    	3022566 - need WebKit API for accessing and visiting back/forward list items
    	3084051 - forward button incorrectly enabled after going forward all the way
    	Remaining issues at this point are getting the title of the pages
    	into the menu items (instead of the URL), and saving document
    	state properly when you jump around in the list.  Solutions are
    	known and coming soon.
            * History.subproj/WebBackForwardList.h:
    	Added doc comments to API.  Made ivars private.  Replaced index-
    	based API with item-based API.  Added a sizelimit to the overall
    	list.  Tweaked API to get back and forward lists.
            * History.subproj/WebBackForwardList.m:
    	Straightforward impl of the above, with the note that I dumped
    	WebHistoryList from the API and impl in favor of an NSArray,
    	which is efficient for this sort of use (queue, stack).
            (-[WebBackForwardList init]):
            (-[WebBackForwardList dealloc]):
            (-[WebBackForwardList goBack]):
            (-[WebBackForwardList goForward]):
            (-[WebBackForwardList goToEntry:]):
            (-[WebBackForwardList backEntry]):
            (-[WebBackForwardList forwardEntry]):
            (-[WebBackForwardList maximumSize]):
            (-[WebBackForwardList setMaximumSize:]):
            (-[WebBackForwardList description]):
            * History.subproj/WebHistoryList.h: Removed.
    	Nuked from API, per above.
            * History.subproj/WebHistoryList.m: Removed.
            * Misc.subproj/WebKit.h:
    	WebHistoryList gone from API.
            * WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebBridge.m:
            (-[WebBridge loadURL:]):
    	Use if/else instead of buried "return;", so next person doesn;t
    	make the same mis-read I did.
            (-[WebBridge saveDocumentState:]):
    	Site of future work.
            * WebKit.pbproj/project.pbxproj:
    	Nuked WebHistoryList.
            * WebView.subproj/WebController.h:
            * WebView.subproj/WebController.m:
            (-[WebController goBackOrForwardToItem:]):
    	New method to support random access nav in backforward list.
            * WebView.subproj/WebDataSourcePrivate.m:
            (-[WebDataSource _setTitle:]):
    	Site of future work (fixing title in items)
            * WebView.subproj/WebFramePrivate.h:
    	WebFrameLoadTypeIndexedBack/WebFrameLoadTypeIndexedForward are
    	collapsed into WebFrameLoadTypeIndexedBackForward.  Vestigial
    	WebFrameLoadTypeIntermediateBack is nuked.
            * WebView.subproj/WebFramePrivate.m:
            (-[WebFramePrivate setBackForwardItem:]):
            (-[WebFrame _setBackForwardItem:]):
            (-[WebFrame _backForwardItem]):
    	Must remember the BF item we're going to so we can update the
    	BF list on commit.
            (-[WebFrame _transitionToCommitted]):
    	Update the BF list on commit.
            (-[WebFrame _isLoadComplete]):
            (-[WebFrame _goToItem:withFrameLoadType:]):
    	Update BF list on within-page nav.
    	Remember BF item we are going to for later update on commit.
    	2919039 - Implement limit on back/forward history list
    	2998200 - access to most-recent in submenu of back & forward buttons
    	3084051 - forward button incorrectly enabled after going forward all the way
    	Remaining issues at this point are getting the title of the pages
    	into the menu items (instead of the URL), and saving document
    	state properly when you jump around in the list.  Solutions are
    	known and coming soon.
            * BrowserDocument.h:
    	Add BrowserDocumentClientNavigatedWithinPageNotification.
            * BrowserDocument.m:
            (-[BrowserDocument init]):
    	Set up BackForwardListSizeLimit preference.
            (-[BrowserDocument canGoBack]):
            (-[BrowserDocument canGoForward]):
            (-[BrowserDocument goBack:]):
            (-[BrowserDocument goForward:]):
    	Nits adopting new API.
            (-[BrowserDocument goToItem:]):
            (-[BrowserDocument _addItem:toMenu:]):
            (-[BrowserDocument backListMenuForButton:]):
            (-[BrowserDocument forwardListMenuForButton:]):
    	Code to build BF menus, and respond to clicks.
            * BrowserWindowController.m:
            (-[BrowserWindowController windowDidLoad]):
            (-[BrowserWindowController frameLoadWithinPage:]):
    	Register for and handle BrowserDocumentClientNavigatedWithinPageNotification.
    	Must update title bar widgets at this point.
            * Defaults.plist:
    	New defaults: BackForwardListSizeLimit, BackForwardMenuSizeLimit
            * LocationChangeHandler.m:
            (-[LocationChangeHandler locationChangedWithinPageForDataSource:]):
    	Post BrowserDocumentClientNavigatedWithinPageNotification.
            * PreferenceKeys.h:
    	New default keys.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc