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  • tomernic's avatar
    Reviewed by John Sullivan. · 1f01d489
    tomernic authored
            At John's suggestion, renamed a private WebFrame method and tightened up some of the redirect logic I recently touched.
            * WebView/WebFramePrivate.h:
            Renamed -_clientRedirectCancelled: to -_clientRedirectCancelledOrFinished:, since we call this both when a redirect is
            cancelled and when a redirect is successfully committed.
            * WebCoreSupport/WebFrameBridge.m:
            (-[WebFrameBridge reportClientRedirectCancelled:]):
            Call renamed WebFrame method.
            * WebView/WebFrame.m:
            Added sentRedirectNotification flag to WebFramePrivate.  This flag is set when we notify the frame load delegate that a
            redirect will occur.  We check this flag when committing a provisional load to ensure that the frame load delegate is
            notified that the redirect finished.
            (-[WebFrame _commitProvisionalLoad:]):
            After committing a provisional load, make sure that the frame load delegate is notified that there is no longer a pending
            (-[WebFrame _clientRedirectedTo:delay:fireDate:lockHistory:isJavaScriptFormAction:]):
            Set the new sentRedirectNotification flag.
            (-[WebFrame _clientRedirectCancelledOrFinished:]):
            Renamed method.
            Clear the sentRedirectNotification flag.
            (-[WebFrame _continueLoadRequestAfterNavigationPolicy:formState:]):
            Call renamed method.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc