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    2010-10-28 Jia Pu <> · 08abac67 authored
            Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.
            Editing a word with misspell or autocorrection underline should remove the underline when the editing changes the word.
            * platform/mac-leopard/Skipped: New tests don't apply to this platform.
            * platform/mac-snowleopard/Skipped: Ditto.
            * platform/mac-tiger/Skipped: Ditto.
            * platform/mac-wk2/Skipped: Ditto.
            * platform/mac/editing/spelling/autocorrection-delete-expected.checksum: Updated expected test result.
            * platform/mac/editing/spelling/autocorrection-delete-expected.png: Ditto.
            * platform/mac/editing/spelling/editing-multiple-words-with-markers-expected.txt: Added.
            * platform/mac/editing/spelling/editing-multiple-words-with-markers.html: Added.
            * platform/mac/editing/spelling/editing-word-with-marker-1-expected.txt: Added.
            * platform/mac/editing/spelling/editing-word-with-marker-1.html: Added.
            * platform/mac/editing/spelling/editing-word-with-marker-2-expected.txt: Added.
            * platform/mac/editing/spelling/editing-word-with-marker-2.html: Added.
    2010-10-28  Jia Pu  <>
            Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.
            Editing a word with misspell or autocorrection underline should remove the underline when the editing changes the word.
            Tests: platform/mac/editing/spelling/editing-multiple-words-with-markers.html
            This patch is part of on-going improvement of autocorrection feature on Mac OS X. When an editing
            occurs, if it affects words (by deleting/inserting characters, spliting word, merging words) that
            have Spelling and/or CorrectionIndicator markers, we want to remove the markers. If subsequntial
            spelling checking finds spelling error in newlly formed words, it will add the markers back in.
            * dom/DocumentMarker.h: Changed MarkerType to bit masks to make search multiple types easier.
            * dom/DocumentMarkerController.cpp: Refactored two removeMarkers() methods to support remove
              markers with specific type from a node.
            (WebCore::DocumentMarkerController::removeMarkers): Changed signature to remove marker with specific type.
            (WebCore::DocumentMarkerController::removeMarkersFromMarkerMapVectorPair): Refactoring.
            (WebCore::DocumentMarkerController::hasMarkers): Convenience method to search markers in range.
            * dom/DocumentMarkerController.h: Added new methods and matched new signature of removeMarkers().
            * editing/Editor.cpp:
            (WebCore::Editor::respondToChangedContents): Remove existing markers if the change formed new word.
            (WebCore::Editor::cut): Remove markers on words that will be modified by this editing.
            (WebCore::Editor::paste): Ditto.
            (WebCore::Editor::pasteAsPlainText): Ditto.
            (WebCore::Editor::removeSpellAndCorrectionMarkersFromWordsToBeEdited): Main logic for removing
              markers on words affected by editing.
            * editing/Editor.h: Added removeSpellAndCorrectionMarkersFromWordsToBeEdited().  Added
              REMOVE_MARKERS_UPON_EDITING and SUPPORT_AUTOCORRECTION_PANEL macro to improve readability.
            * editing/TypingCommand.cpp:
            (WebCore::TypingCommand::insertText): Remove markers on words that will be modified by this editing.
            (WebCore::TypingCommand::deleteKeyPressed): Ditto.
            (WebCore::TypingCommand::forwardDeleteKeyPressed): Ditto.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc