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    WebCore: · 0770f3e6
    darin authored
            * kwq/WebCoreBridge.h: Remove unused modifierTrackingEnabled method.
    	- made some improvements to cursor setting for greater speed and correctness
            * WebView.subproj/WebDynamicScrollBarsView.m:
            (-[WebDynamicScrollBarsView setCursor:]): Just use setDocumentCursor: instead of
    	our own logic. This allows us to remove code and may fix some bugs or anomalies as well.
            (-[WebDynamicScrollBarsView dealloc]): Release the cursor. I think we were leaking before.
            * WebView.subproj/WebHTMLView.m:
            (-[WebHTMLView viewWillMoveToSuperview:]): Use _frameOrBoundsChanged: method now, which
    	has been moved into the private file.
            (-[WebHTMLView dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:]): Don't bother finding
    	topmost WebHTMLView to call _updateMouseoverWithEvent: on; now it works fine no matter
    	which level it's called at.
            * WebView.subproj/WebHTMLViewPrivate.m:
            (-[WebHTMLView _frameOrBoundsChanged:]): Moved the code here that was formerly in the
    	_setNeedsLayoutIfSizeChanged method, also added code that does _updateMouseoverWithEvent:
    	so that we get properly updated cursor when we scroll.
            (-[WebHTMLView _updateMouseoverWithEvent:]): Remove unneeded assert. This method works
    	equally well no matter which WebHTMLView calls it; everything is done at the window and
    	controller level.
            * WebView.subproj/WebControllerPrivate.h: Added lastElementWasNotNil field and
    	_mouseDidMoveOverElement:modifierFlags: method.
            * WebView.subproj/WebControllerPrivate.m:
            (-[WebController _mouseDidMoveOverElement:modifierFlags:]): Call through to the delegate,
    	but don't do multiple calls if they are all nil.
            * WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebBridge.m: Remove unused modifierTrackingEnabled method.
            * WebView.subproj/WebHTMLViewPrivate.h: Remove unused _setModifierTrackingEnabled and
    	_modifierTrackingEnabled methods.
            * AppController.m: (-[AppController awakeFromNib]): Remove unneeded call to set
    	unused modifierTrackingEnabled flag. The code that used to care about this flag
            is now in WebBrowser and there's no need to inform WebCore and WebKit about whether
            we are passing in flags-changed events.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc