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  • darin's avatar
    WebCore: · bd6a1fde
    darin authored
    	- fixed most of the problems with OPTGROUP
            * khtml/html/htmlparser.cpp: (KHTMLParser::insertNode):
    	Make OPTGROUPs pop out of other unclosed OPTGROUPs, not just out of options.
            * kwq/KWQListBox.h: Add private member function.
            * kwq/
            (QListBox::insertItem): Use shared insertItem function.
            (QListBox::insertGroupLabel): Create an attributed string for the group label,
    	with bold font.
            (-[KWQListBoxTableViewDelegate tableView:shouldSelectRow:]): Return YES only
    	for the plain strings, that way you can't select the group labels.
            * WebCore.pbproj/project.pbxproj: Let PB do its thing.
            * BrowserDocument.h: Remove unused BrowserDocumentPageTitleChangedNotification.
            * BrowserDocument.m:
            (-[BrowserDocument _pageTitleHasChanged]): Remove unused notification.
            (-[BrowserDocument goToBugReportingPage:]): Escape URL so it works in the form parameters.
            * PoofAnimator.m: (-[PoofAnimator init]): Remove use of private _setHasShadow:
    	which is just the same thing as the public setHasShadow:.
            * BrowserWindowController.m: Tweak formatting.
            * Preferences.subproj/GeneralPreferences.m: Tweak.
            * WebBrowser.pbproj/project.pbxproj: Let PB do its thing.
    git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc